Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Mr Hurley

Assistant Headteacher (SEND and Pastoral)

Ms Lewis

Deputy SENDCo


The staff and governors of Holsworthy C of E Primary School work hard to ensure that all children with SEND reach their full potential, are fully included within the school community, have fun, feel safe and are active members of each class. With this as our underlying principle, we believe that;

All teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Every teacher is responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.

Teaching and supporting children with SEND is therefore a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response. Meeting the needs of children with SEND requires a partnership working between all those involved – Local Authority (LA), school, parents/carers, pupils, children’s services and all other agencies.

The Local Offer

We believe in working together to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children within Holsworthy Primary School. As a school we pride ourselves on the positive relationships and open communication with outside agencies and parents.

This page provides a link to a website that enables parents and carers to see what is available for their child within the Devon area.


Designated leading practitioners

Assistant Headteacher (SEND and Pastoral): Mr Chris Hurley

Deputy SENDCo (Early Years focus): Ms Megan Lewis

All of the above staff members can be contacted through the schools direct number 01409 253700